The wheel is a very versatile coaching tool. We’ll show you how fully online and editable Wheel of Life templates let you create a customized coaching wheel for your practice.
Coaches can customize and create a Wheel of life online on Evalinator (see plans and pricing with 2 weeks free trial) for almost any scenario and to any level of detail to help their clients.
Your wheel is ready in as little as 10 minutes! And you can host it on your website.
You can customize a wheel for:
Each of these wheels helps the client and the coach create a snapshot of the current state.
All types of wheels also have goal setting built into them! That helps you with accountability and tracking progress.
In this article let’s look at these various coaching use cases of the editable Wheel of life template.
Each section will also link to a ready to use customizable template that is available to use. A template will allow you to launch your own personalized and custom wheel in a matter of minutes!
Using a wheel as a coaching tool allows for the following:
A business coach must measure and set a baseline on the many different facets (or dimensions) of business. What better than using an editable Business Wheel template to measure these dimensions rapidly and help the clients set goals to take action.
Try the live business wheel template here. You can customize it as per your needs with Evalinator.
Some of the higher level dimensions that you can put in the Wheel of Business are:
In turn, each of these facets could be drilled down into more granular topics.
For example, if you just want to look at finance, you could then create dimensions such as the below.
e.g. Dimension within finance:
So the dimensions and questions represented by your wheel will depend on your focus area and the level you want to drill down to.
The editable wheel of life template tailored for business brings out any possible imbalances that you may want to work with your clients on.
For example, a leader who is more finance savvy will likely have an imbalance when it comes to marketing. The coach can then get down to helping the clients achieve the right balance.
As a result, a Wheel of Business provides for strong introspection and examination. The client’s satisfaction with the different areas can be determined, and desired outcomes can be systematically determined.
You can create a wheel of business using the existing editable template. Try the Wheel of Business now and see how you like it. And you can sign up for a free 2 weeks trial here.
Health is another one of those topics that have a variety of different dimensions. You can tailor an editable wheel of life template for health or wellness.
A holistic Wheel of Health (Wellness) could have dimensions such:
And if you want to specialize in one aspect alone you could create a wheel of health representing multiple dimensions within nutrition such as food groups, regularity, sources, hydration, etc.
In essence a Wheel of Health / Wellness allows you to arrange your dimensions into a wonderful diagnostic tool. The client’s satisfaction or effectiveness with each dimension can be measured easily. And then you can work with them to help them achieve or balance their wellness goals.
Some coaches may differentiate the concept of Wellness itself from the concept of Health. They may consider the Wheel of Wellness as a way to balance the various aspects of life itself. In that case a traditional Wheel of Life may be used for Wellness. And a Wheel of Health may be used to go one step deeper into the coaching process.
Try the customizable template here to see how it works.
Start a risk free trial and create your own custom wheel here. The editable wheel of life template can be easily tailored. You can add personalized feedback, set and track goals, and so on.
This is such an important topic in many of our lives today. The premise is that a well balanced Wheel of Spirituality can lead to a life full of joy and purpose.
Coaches who specialize in this area can use Evalinator to create a Wheel of Spirituality that can help them determine the balance between multiple dimensions such as:
A client’s satisfaction or quest in each of these areas can be easily marked off showing which areas need work the most, and which areas to balance.
Once the client or prospect has self-assessed themselves using the Wheel of Spirituality, the coach can work with them on creating the right balance using a combination of introspective sessions and goal setting mechanisms.
Try a fully functional and customizable template here to see how it works. The fully editable wheel of life template can be tailored to add your own questions with your own branding. It can also be put on your website within minutes.
Sign up for risk free trial and create your own custom Wheel of Spirituality here.
The Wheel of Life can be used to create valuable variations such as the Wheel of Business, Wheel of Health / Wheel of Wellness, Wheel of Spirituality, and so on.
Each of these can then be further customized by creating sub-areas to explore fully with your clients.
Evalinator also has an accountability module built into each assessment to set goals and track them. This allows you to engage your clients more actively.
Further, you have free templates for DISC, Big 5 personality assessment, Strengths Finder, Human Design test and others included in your subscription.
Try it for free. Launch your own personalized and custom wheel in a matter of minutes with readymade editable wheel of life templates that are freely available with your subscription. More instructions on customizing your wheel of life here.
Go ahead and try it out with a risk-free 2 weeks trial.