Using an Expert Quiz Funnel to Grow Your Business

An expert quiz funnel is a fantastic tool to use for lead generation and also overall business growth.

It is also a very useful tool for consultative sales and needs assessment with clients.

Why? It returns value and insights immediately (lead generation), and sets the stage for more follow-up conversations (overall business growth).

In this blog we’ll cover the following:

  1. What is an expert quiz funnel?
  2. What are some sales & marketing use cases?
  3. How to create & make the most of your expert quiz funnel?

Let’s get started.

How an Expert Quiz Funnel Works for Lead generation

An expert quiz funnel is a powerful lead generation tool for coaches, consultants, and professional service providers who rely on their expertise.

By creating a quiz or assessment that reflects your knowledge, you engage potential clients in a meaningful way.

For example:

  1. Coaches can use a quiz funnel such as a strengths finder to attract their audience
  2. Consultants might offer a free business health check or a maturity model assessment for specific industries.

These expert quiz funnels provide personalized insights to the user while giving you valuable leads.

As a result, a quiz funnel not only positions you as an authority but also helps build trust.

As users receive helpful feedback through your quiz, they see the value of your services, making them more likely to engage further.

This approach boosts conversions while showcasing your expertise.

By adding a call-to-action at the end of the quiz, such as offering a free consultation or resource download, you can nurture leads and guide them through your sales process effectively.

What is an Expert Quiz Funnel?

An expert quiz funnel is a sales funnel led by a diagnostic assessment, maturity model, or scorecard.

It is a way for experts to:

  1. Help their clients understand what their current state is (lead generation)
  2. Define a desired future state and create a roadmap (follow up and convert)
  3.  Compare progress over time (show value, retain clients)

expert quiz funnel lead generation growth

At the very basic level, it consists of a series of questions followed by a diagnosis or result. The result must yield an useful insight or help respondents see the information they provided in a different light.

Note: When used for lead generation, typically “personality or type” style quiz is more useful. For example, “What’s your sales personality?”, or “Identify your brand’s personality?”.

However, when also used an onboarding, then an assessment is a good choice. For example, a customizable Wheel of Life. So your expert quiz funnel could have a lead generation quiz followed by an onboarding quiz.

Multiple questions could also be organized into categories or dimensions to provide a more comprehensive analysis of the subject area.

Evalinator allows for personalized feedback to be given to respondents based on individual question or dimension level scores.

Here’s how they work in general:

  1. A business assessment may ask different questions about finance, marketing and operations. The respondent will see their overall score and what they could do to improve or balance their business. This could be structured as a Wheel of Business for a very simple and powerful snapshot of overall performance. Then you can engage with the respondent and help them.
  2. A DISC assessment or a Big 5 personality assessment are also great examples. These help the respondents understand their personality types and organize their business or personal matters appropriately.
  3. The versatile Wheel of Life is another tool used by coaches for different purposes. The basic wheel can be customized for various purposes.
  4. Consultants can use maturity models, such as on digital or analytics maturity. These are very useful for clients to understand how they are doing, and can lead to creation of roadmaps that consultants can work with their clients on.

Consultants, coaches, and experts of all kinds (technology, process, or business) may create sophisticated lead generation quizzes in areas of their expertise.

Free templates are available on Evalinator to customize and use for your own coaching or consulting business.

Multiple Uses of an Expert Quiz Funnel

Think of your expert quiz funnel as a strategic business growth tool.

Here are the different applications:

  1. Lead generation – use as a quiz to create curiosity and get your audience to take the quiz. Visitors on your website who would have just clicked away will now likely take the quiz. You can also run advts to your quiz to generate leads. Read more here if you want to generate more leads online.
  2. Lead qualification – an expert quiz can work as a sales needs assessment tool to improve sales efficiency by having prospects take the assessment to determine urgency and scope
  3. Personalized sales pursuits – a nurturing tool to use the data provided by prospects to make every follow-up meaningful
  4. Client onboarding – a tool to create a baseline as you onboard clients because you start with a clear analysis of needs
  5. Account growth – a cross-sell/up-sell tool to position your offers based on a roadmap you develop with clients
  6. Show & tell – a value identification tool that shows your clients how you are partnering with them strategically

Now that you can appreciate the many uses of an expert quiz, here are a few things to keep in mind so you can be successful with your expert quiz or assessment.

Best Practice: Define a Narrow Subject Area for your Expert Quiz Funnel

Research has shown that the narrower the focus, the better your results.

It’s tempting to package all your offerings and create a survey instead of a quiz. For example, a tax professional who also provides advice for retirement. These are generally 2 different areas which may overlap a bit. So it’s best to create 2 different quiz funnels.

For example,

  1. If you are a consulting firm, you may create a digital maturity model. Such a quiz may be substantiated by your experience and credentials.
  2. Then you could create more detailed quiz funnels or assessments for data & analytics leaders, operations leaders, or leaders of various technology application portfolios.
  3. If you tailor the default maturity model templates that Evalinator includes in your subscription with your own specific industry knowledge, then the your audience is much more likely to engage better.

If you are a coach, then the coaching Wheel of Life is an excellent tool. Coaches must generally understand interactions with different facets of your life. So a broad tool such as a Wheel of Life works very well for them.



So, your expert quiz must be aligned directly to your audience and your offers. That way it will deliver meaningful insights, and have enough specificity around industry processes, trends, etc. to be relevant.

Consequently, while the underlying principles are the same, a narrower or more targeted assessment can be much more impactful and relevant to stakeholders.

Create an Expert Quiz Funnel “Ladder”

ladderIn addition to creating a lead generation quiz, this strategy is to create a series of quizzes or assessments that work like a ladder. Following this approach means that you can use the same basic asset for different stages of your funnel.

Type 1: A Suite of Assessments

Coaches and consultants may want to create a suite of assessment to reflect their process and the different subject areas. For example, the first step would be to identify the challenge and the assessment would focus on this activity. The next step would be to determine which solution is most applicable and they would create a specific assessment for that. And finally, they may have an assessment that helps clients determine the effectiveness of how the solution is working.

Type 2: The top-of-the-funnel or lead generation quiz

This is a broad and easy-to-take assessment, typically offered online, with about 8-12 questions. It offers immediate value in terms of a useful framework to think about the problem. It can also provide some generic insights.

For example, “Score your online presence“, or “Assess your sales methodology“, are good candidates for a lead generation quiz. They are curiosity inducing and offer instant value and gratification in return for very small investment of time and brain.

You can narrow these expert quizzes down for better returns. These types of quizzes are popularly called quiz funnels and used for lead generation.

Type 3: The Middle & Bottom of the Funnel Expert Quiz

Once a prospect has come in through your top of the funnel quiz, this next expert quiz is more specific and goes into more details.

This is primarily used by sales for lead qualification during discovery calls or meetings. At this stage, prospects are likely to share more openly and provide more details about their situation.

The intent at this level is to build trust by offering offer more detailed insights and advice on how clients can best achieve their objectives.

A good way to think about the expert quiz at this level is that you are drilling down into the dimensions you covered in the top of the funnel quiz.  Each question in the high level quiz becomes 2-4 additional questions. The subject area is the same, but with more detail.

Note: You can also use this detailed expert quiz at an existing client to identify areas of opportunity and engage the clients into a valuable conversation.

The Account Growth or Relationship Growth Expert Quiz Funnel

The account growth quiz uses the same overall framework, and is much more tailored and personalized to your clients’ specific processes and systems. It builds in questions and terminology that is deeply relevant to them.

The idea for an expert lead generation quiz at this level is to serve as a baseline for the clients current maturity (a maturity model). Then you can collaborate with clients to identify areas where you can help them. You can also offer assistance with some identified opportunity areas as a way to build a base for future revenue by proving your credentials and building trust.

So an expert quiz used in this manner becomes a powerful account growth tool.

Expert Quiz Funnel for Content Marketing

content marketing & brandingYour expert quiz is a treasure trove of data. You have aggregated information on the various questions which can yield interesting patterns and insights.

Use these insights in blogs or newsletters to clients. You can even use these to host webinars and get clients & prospects to share their thoughts.

Consistently sharing valuable content and insights based on your expert quiz will result in positive brand benefits as well. You will start to becomes known in the market as an expert in that areas. More content would also mean better SEO and more ways to engage clients.

See this blog on getting started with authority marketing.

Next Steps

An expert quiz funnel supports lead generation and also client lifetime value growth.

Go ahead and create one now. There is a 2 week free trial.

There are several templates available for experts and you can use them as a starting point. These can be used for lead generation, for consultative sales, and needs assessment, and also for account growth.

Once you subscribe, let us know if you’d like to discuss your strategy. We’ll be happy to help!

We are rooting for you!
