Choosing a Quiz Platform? Think Self Discovery for Clients

As an expert, you rely on your expertise for winning and keeping clients.

Your quiz or self-assessment then has 3 goals:

  1. Generate leads and acquire new clients
  2. Showcase your thought leadership, methodology or framework
  3. Help grow your relationships

Ultimately you’re taking clients on a journey – from their current situation to a more desirable state. 

So it’s a strategic tool in your offer toolkit.

Many quiz platforms deliver a decent quiz and help you collect email addresses.

However, if you’ve ever invested time and effort into a platform, only to realize it lacks the depth or flexibility you need, you know the frustration.

To make it easier, consider these features when choosing a quiz platform for your needs.

1. Different Types of Quizzes / Self-Assessments

In most cases, sales and client engagement is a multi-step process.

So you may want to build an “offer ladder“. Start with a simple diagnostic quiz of 8 questions, then dig deeper with a more detailed discovery assessment with 30 questions under 5 categories. 

Or you may start with a personality or type quiz that induces curiosity, then move to a scored assessment to qualify, and then ultimately a “maturity model” before you pitch a proposal to your clients.

Most quiz platforms are limited in what they offer. So evaluate this during the trial period.

Evalinator allows you to create all these types of assessments, and also provides multiple out of the box templates for the Wheel of Life. These templates can also be customized.    

2. Customizable Results Pages

Most quiz platforms provide basic functionality with a score or custom result at the end. But as an expert, you need a platform that goes beyond the basics.

Look for a tool that allows you to tailor the results page with dynamic content like charts, personalized advice, videos, promotions, and calls to action.

For example, you may want to offer different promotions if the respondent gets a low score in area versus another.

This capability is crucial for maintaining your authority and reinforcing your expertise. By offering a rich, interactive experience, you can better engage your clients and keep them coming back for more.

Evalinator is one of the few platforms that offer customizable results pages where you can present your clients with visually appealing data, insights tailored to their responses, and next steps to keep them engaged. You can also include promotional content and personalized calls to action to drive further engagement.

3. Long-Term Engagement  – Goal Setting

A one-time quiz is great, but if you’re an expert looking to grow a long-term relationships with clients, you need tools that support continued engagement.

This means being able to use features that help clients set goals, track progress, and receive ongoing feedback.

Evalinator is perhaps one of the only platforms that allows you to create a more in-depth client experience by offering features that encourage continuous interaction.

Clients can return to the platform to see their progress, set new goals based on your advice, and engage with new content. This ongoing engagement is critical for fostering client loyalty and demonstrating the value of your services over time.

4. Access to Results Over Time

For experts, a quiz or self assessment is probably more than just a Buzzfeed gimmick (e.g. Which superhero are you most like?)

So for your clients to see real value and act on the insights they gain, they need continued access to their quiz or assessment results.

Some quiz tools only offer a snapshot in time, which limits their usefulness. Instead, choose a platform that allows clients to revisit their results, reflect on their progress, and review past advice.

Evalinator ensures that clients have access to their results at any time.

This feature is especially valuable for coaches and consultants who want to encourage clients to revisit their progress, see how far they’ve come, and renew their commitment to their goals.

5. Tracking Improvement Over Time

For experts, showing clients their improvement over time can be a powerful motivator.

A tool that tracks changes to the baseline results and shows additional insights can help clients visualize their progress, understand the impact of their efforts, and stay engaged with your content.

Evalinator offers this capability by allowing clients to take assessments multiple times, say every month, and compare their results.

This feature is particularly valuable for experts who focus on long-term development, enabling them to provide a clear narrative of growth and improvement to their clients.

6. Linking Multiple Quizzes & Assessments

If you’re offering a range of services, then you need a platform that can handle multiple types of assessments and link them together seamlessly. This ability allows you to build a comprehensive picture of a client’s needs and progress.

For example, a tax advisor can help with taxes as well as retirement planning. So they may want to have multiple assessments linked together, for different stages of their relationship.

And for someone focused on life balance, you may want to have a custom wheel of life combined with a personality assessment. 

With Evalinator, you can create and link multiple assessments, giving you the flexibility to offer a variety of evaluation types. Whether it’s a maturity model to assess readiness or a scored assessment to measure specific skills, you can provide a holistic view that helps clients see the full scope of their development.


Choosing the right quiz or self-assessment platform is about more than just the immediate quiz you want to create.

As an expert, you need a tool that supports your strategic goals, enhances client engagement, and provides meaningful, long-term value.

By considering these differentiating features, you can select a platform that not only meets your immediate needs but also helps you grow and sustain your business over time.

Evalinator offers all these capabilities and more, designed specifically for experts who want to leverage quizzes as powerful, strategic tools in their practice. 

Explore Evalinator with a 14 day trial. It’s low starting price gets you started and you can then grow as your business grows. Discover how it can transform the way you engage with your clients and grow your business!

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