How to Embed Your Assessment on Your Own Website

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If you have a website, you will most likely want to have users visit your website to interact with the assessment, instead of visiting after they click on your assessment.  

You can easily achieve that by embedding your assessment on your website.

It’s the same as how you will embed a YouTube video into your webpage.

All you have to do is to:

  1. Create a new page on your website (e.g.
  2. Use the following code as the only HTML on that page.
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
if ( === 'scrollToTop') {
window.scrollTo(0, 200);

style="width: 100%; height: 750px; margin: 0;"
src="your assessment url here"


Now when you visit the new page you created, it will automatically load up your Evalinator assessment. This will allow the assessment to show up as part of your own website, and your users will feel as if they are taking the assessment on your website and interacting with your own brand.


  1. Adjust the height as needed in the HTML code above. 750px above may be either too little, or too much, depending on the layout you have chosen for your assessment.
  2. In the script tag above, remember to adjust the “200” number as needed. This is often needed when you move between the pages of your assessment, and it needs to scroll back up for the content to be visible to the user.
  3. If you are embedding the assessment in the middle of your page as a section OR using a layout where the start button is on the top, then you NOT need the script tag. Feel free to remove it.

How to Get the URL for your Assessment

You can get the URL of your assessment as follows:

  1. Log onto Evalinator
  2. Click “Share & Embed” from the left hand menu of your assessment.
  3. Copy one of the white-labeling links. The second link shown here will bypass your landing page and take users straight to either the email address submission page or to the first question of your assessment depending on how you have set up your assessment. 

If you just want to provide a button on your website that will take users to Evalinator, then copy one of the Direct links shown.


share and embed


What If I’m using a CMS such as WordPress or Square Space

The steps above remain the same whether you are using a CMS such as WordPress or Square Space.

However, you may have a theme set up. That theme will also insert headers and footers of your website automatically on the page that holds the assessment. In most cases that is fine, and you should be all good. But for some reason, you may not want your theme headers and footers to show. In that case you will have to create a new page content template that tells your platform to not load (or override) the default header and footer. Instructions for doing that are best provided by the community of the platform you are using.

And now that you have your assessment up and running, go get the word out! Here are some tips on outreach and marketing.

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