How to use Rank Order Questions?

A new question type, Rank Order Questions, is now available on Evalinator.

Rank order questions can enhance the overall quiz or assessment experience. They help you dive deeper into specific areas of client priorities and preferences.

You create insightful, action-oriented assessments that foster meaningful conversations with your clients. Rank order questions add another layer to this, helping you score and evaluate client inputs in a structured way.

What Are Rank Order Questions?

Rank order questions let clients drag and drop to visually arrange options in order of importance, preference, or priority. Just like open-ended questions, rank order questions require clients to think critically and compare options directly, offering unique insights.

For example:

  • Rank the following relationship goals:
    • Improving communication
    • Spending quality time
    • Managing conflicts
    • Building trust
  • Rank your financial priorities:
    • Saving for retirement
    • Reducing debt
    • Building an emergency fund
    • Investing
  • Rank your IT challenges:
    • Strategic alignment,
    • Project prioritization
    • Agile culture
    • Cost of ownership

As is evident, these questions help zoom into specific aspects of a broader category, allowing coaches and consultants to assess priorities and progress more effectively.

How Rank Order Questions Fit Into the Assessment Framework

These type of questions are most useful when you need to score a particular dimension or area. For instance:

  • In a Wheel of Life assessment, you might already ask clients to rate their satisfaction across different areas of life. To go deeper, you can add rank order questions within a specific area like finances or relationships.
  • For relationships, you might ask: “Rank the following areas in terms of where you feel most challenged: communication, trust, time together, shared goals.”
  • For finances, you might ask: “Rank your financial goals in order of importance: building savings, reducing debt, increasing income, managing expenses.”

Each rank order question generates a score that feeds into the overall assessment. This gives a more nuanced view of where the client’s focus lies and helps you tailor your advice.

How Scoring Works

Rank order questions can be used as a simple survey or as a scoring question.

Evalinator calculates scores for these questions using a weighted average. Each rank is assigned a score, which is then weighted and divided by the sum of the scores. This ensures that the highest-ranked options contribute the most to the final score.

These scores are then integrated into the broader assessment results. For example:

  • If relationships are a dimension in your Wheel of Life assessment, the rank order score can contribute to that dimension’s overall score.
  • Similarly, within finances, you can use the score to identify areas where the client might need the most support.

You can choose whether to use the score.

How Rank Order Questions Enhance Your Quiz or Assessment

Evalinator is designed to help coaches and consultants create structured, actionable assessments. Its core value lies in its ability to facilitate goal-setting, drive meaningful conversations, and serve as a powerful onboarding tool or lead magnet.

Rank order questions complement these features by:

  • Enhancing specificity: They help you assess priorities within dimensions like relationships, finances, or leadership skills.
  • Providing actionable insights: By quantifying client preferences, you can identify where to focus your efforts.
  • Improving engagement: Asking clients to rank their priorities encourages reflection and participation, making the assessment more interactive.

Practical Applications for Coaches and Consultants

Life Coaches: Deepen insights within areas like relationships or finances.

  • Example: “Rank the following financial concerns: paying off debt, saving for retirement, managing day-to-day expenses, building an emergency fund.”
  • Example: “Rank the aspects of a relationship that need the most attention: trust, communication, shared goals, quality time.”

Business Coaches: Explore leadership or team priorities.

  • Example: “Rank the leadership skills you want to improve: strategic thinking, decision-making, communication, time management.”

Consultants: Assess client challenges or goals in specific areas.

  • Example: “Rank these business priorities: increasing revenue, reducing costs, improving customer satisfaction, launching new products.”

Start Using Rank Order Questions Today

Rank order questions are now available as part of Evalinator’s assessment toolkit. Use them to add depth and specificity to your assessments while keeping the bigger picture in focus.

All you have to do is to add a question, select it’s type, and then add your choices.

rank order questions


Users can then drag and drop the choices, and will automatically get a score on their results page!

Goal setting and before-after pictures remain available as before.

Next steps

Evalinator is a versatile platform for goal setting, onboarding, and lead generation. Rank order questions are just one way to make your assessments more insightful and actionable.

Start your free trial today and create your quiz or assessment. It’s a great way to build authority.

